Energetics for Change 
07876 732692 

Second Podcast - Sarah Jane Cooper shares are trials and tribulations to following her soul purpose - Premiere 29th March 2024  Hear Sarah tell us about the aspects of her life from childhood that made their way through to her soul purpose, the practical pieces of being a parent, and the challenges and courage it takes to make choices aligned to soul purpose - and the joy of it all!  Find it on YouTube: https://youtu.be/msRwABjCs0M   First Podcast - My journey to soul purpose Premiere 8th March 2024 

See the premiere of my first podcast - talking about my journey into my soul purpose, a winding and often challenging road... Following the messages I was receiving, around the world to find my way to my soul purpose. A real humdinger!!! 

Star Dimension Connection and Integrations Sessions 

Esther is hosting a free Zoom session once a month every third Saturday at 9.30am GMT. These sessions will bring a channelled message from Source, for wisdom, support and exploration with a wide audience. Why not come along and see for yourself using this for link for any of the sessions: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcufumhrDgtHt1e3jSicMyhS02LVjxxNm7T 
Dates of the sessions are every 3rd Saturday at 9.30am GMT: 
24/02/24 - watch 
16/03/24 - watch 

Star Dimension Connection and Integrations Sessions 

As mentioned in the latter part of the Reflections for 2023, i received a Star Dimension Energy whilst in Australia. I am now guided to share, connect and help integration of this energy for others. So, I am holding three sessions (one a week for three weeks) beginning next Thursday 18th January. 
Use these links to register for the sessions - the first two are short introduction sessions and are free. The third is a more in-depth session enabling further connection to the energy, alongside vocal tones to help the energy move into your cellular structures more fully, and a channelling from source to bring universal wisdom to us regarding this collective energy we are bringing into being. 
It would be wonderful to see you there: 
18th January (free) 7pm - 7.30pm GMT 
25th January (free) 7pm - 7.30pm GMT 
1st February (£10.00 - £25.00) 7pm - 8pm GMT 
If you would like to receive the link to the recording of this session, please email Esther directly on weevolve.uk.@gmail.com where payment can be arranged. 
Working with energy for connection

Western Sydney Moving Symposium 

I am thrilled to announce an upcoming session I will be facilitating at this groundbreaking event in Sydney Australia, focused on reducing physical inactivity. 
Convened by Collective Leisure, The session will focus on exploring the techniques that allow us to delve into the rich tapestry of our inner landscapes. 
In this transformative experience, we will embark on a profound journey of self-discovery, cultivating the tools to navigate the intricate terrains of our minds and hearts. 

Developing Higher Frequencies Practice Session 

We Evolve founded by Esther Hall and now in partnership with Jennifer Barker Burns is committed to supporting the development of capacities in all those who seek to grow into their own evolution. The world is moving and changing, and so the energies we need to cultivate to live in a more connected, loving and interconnected way need to grow. 
This will be ongoing sessions to further cultivate these high frequency energies in all who attend. Cumulative individual and collective impacts of this will help shape and sustain our evolution together. 
The next session will be on Thursday 27th April at 9am weekly up to and including the 1st June. You can register using this link: https://events.humanitix.com/raise-your-vibration-a-meditation-journey-with-sound-7nf4ra93. 

Get in touch 

To get in touch for general enquiries, notify us you have booked onto one of our events, or put your name down to be part of the Community of Reflection and Practice when it starts, please use the form below. Alternatively, book a free 15 minute chat via our booking page
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