Energetics for Change 
07876 732692 
Over the past week in particular, the energetic work I am doing with the Star Dimension Energy is bringing levels of revelation as to purpose and the mechanics of what I will be doing in service of the earth and humanity in these times of evolution and renewal. Particularly on the Full moon, I was on line doing a channelling session in the morning, then holding space for a meditation connection to earth and water near where I live in a beautiful glade protected in a womb-like landscape, then on to the Stone Circle a short drive away with another small group. And the energies were beautiful, intense, natural and delicious. 
i felt pretty spaced out after all of this and continued to work with the Star Dimension in the following days which revealed the end of a cycle was imminent and has now taken place. I am experiencing an upliftment of an energetic I can't quite describe but that is consistent in how the sensation in my heart space is excited joyful and peaceful all at once, and that my internal energetics are flowwing and connectin gdifferentl, more fully. And that more spiritual gifts have been given to me - more contact with Thoth here - involving some visits to the Halls of Amenti. Also opening portals around the world using Star Dimension energy as an activator. Clear working with the "stuff in between" - the material we cannot see and presume empty, all to activate the earth's sacred knowledge and the energetic connection with souls that can bring soul purpose to the surface for many, helping populate the new earth from the sources of creation that are being illuminated. 
If you would like to get involved, you can use the contact form below, or join our Patreon community Patreon.com/WeEvolve 
Or see more of me and this work on YouTube @estherhall8767 
Since my last blog, there is so much that has happened, energetically and physically that it is sometimes difficult to know which way is up. I found myself for the first time in a state of despair where I could not longer see my way forward, and all my efforts and energies seemed absorbed in the blackness of nothingness, leaving me bereft. This is has not happened to me before with such strength. Although I have weathered many storms of significant magnitude, I think that being in a state of balance and integrity, I didn't expect this despair to come now, of all times. The learning whilst approaching this state was to allow it!! I have never really allowed myself to feel despair, always heading it off at the pass, to place my attention on the silver lining, regardless of how bad things were. And so I inhabited those energies and allowed them. And after two days, that fug lifted and I felt a euphoria, similar, I suppose to when I have had other breakthroughs and released old patterns or pains. I could see the pain for what it was, and knew I was out the other side and had an uninhibited energy of the potential and connections within me - all in service of my purpose to support and connect others with their own version of this energy. 
And now,, I have finally stopped trying to accommodate myself in the systems and organisations of the establishment and have closed those doors to pursue the purest transmission of the energies I am blessed enough to receive, to those ready to receive them and integrate them into their lives. 
I feel alive and energised and raring to go, with a sense of clarity I have not had for longer than I care to remember...a return to my pervasive sense of joy and aliveness. 
This session was a full hour of activation material starting with a direct channelling of universal energy - I never know what is going to come through and once it is through me, I have trouble remembering what was said. Some of what was said though talks about how those connecting to this energy are pioneers, in this new age where connection to our soul purpose, our illuminated heart is at the very beginning of taking its rightful and natural place in our lives, director of operations as it were. The ripple effect of our engagment, connection and conduction of the enrgy was also mentioned - knowing that ourselves, those around us and even those more broadly in society will be affected by the strengthening of this energy through our connection to it. 
The enrgy coming through was very strong for me, but it is impossible for me to know how it is experienced by others, just truting all is at it should be. 
Yesterday evening was thes second session of my sharing Star Dimension energy with a small group online. here is the recording if you would like to feel it for yourself: 
And here is the link to register for the longer, more involved third session if you would like to feel and access more of this energy: 
1st February (£10.00 - £25.00) 7pm - 8pm GMT  
As I have been writing, this has been a tricky time for me, working to keep enrgetic balance amongst a dropping away of all things that are not aligned to my soul purpose. And since finishing my initiation (level 3, round 2) with Asil Toksal, who channels and works witih Elohim, I am feeling the energy shift and change again, into the beautiful light of the true alignment of everything in my life! I can hardly describe the power and softness of this energy that is with me all of the time. I have been working toward this for ever, the focus and activities beginning to emerge over the past 8 years, then and more consciously and more alive in the last two years in particular. So, it feels a long time coming and I defintely has a dark noght of the soul moment...making this all the sweeter.  
This is a Youtube link to a short video I did ahead of our second session on Thursday where I said I would bring through tones as well as energy. Whilst we may have come across things like chanting and mantra, and certainly music and singing, this video talks about the role of the sounds that will emerge in this session and what they are for.  
On returning my energy fully to my spiritual path after the Christmas break, the shadow work has been challenging. Now I sense myself holding a different perspective, with an expanded view of what my work is and how to go about it. This new feeling has resulted in my leaping into the world of YouTube, Instagram alongside my blog writing and planned others. I now know I have to give more of myself to this and those who might benefit by the energy my words, image and sessions. Rather than a version of things at least once removed from myself, I am now directly bringing my version of my life and what is important, to the rest of the world. What is different from my previous attempts at scial media and similar is that previously it felt like a game I was being forced to play. Now I feel like these are routes that my energy can flow along to reach others, to help them find this same light in themselves. 
As I follow the guidance received on the Winter Solstice to reconnect with Asil Toksal and the work of the Elohim, I found myself in a process of surfacing deeply held unconscious beliefs and operating systems that prevented my further development and expansion - and especially the manifestation of aligned reality to my energetic frequency that was not quite hitting the mark. This resulted in my being ill and in bed for two days whilst I allow the realisations to come with me and for me to fully allow and explore them and the learning I was to receive through this - at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. 
The process of receiving the Star Dimension energy was strong and beatuiful, and I am sure I will describe in more detail one of these days. But for today, I thoguht I would share one of the 11 poems that flowed through me the day after the Star Dimension energy arrived with me. 
If this speaks to you, consider coming to the star Dimension session where I wil connecting people to the energy for their own expansion to emerge. See for registration below. 
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